This Photo Competition is open to all participants of the Fremantle Twilight Trek Photo Walk on 14 August 2016. Simply submit your best photo from the event and you’re in the running to win a terrific prize courtesy of Venture Photography Workshops. Submissions close midnight 31 August 2016.
The winner of this competition wins a copy of Nick Rains’s “Capturing the World”. Make sure your entry is in by midnight 31 August 2016 in order to be eligible to win. Judging will be based on the creativity, uniqueness, even quirkiness and originality of your image — in other words, the more different your image is, the more original in its message, lighting and composition, the better it is!
Use the web form below to submit your best photo taken at the event to the competition. There is only one entry per photographer, so choose you submission wisely. Photos must be submitted by midnight 31 August 2016.
- This contest is open only to participants of the 13 August 2016 Fremantle Twilight Trek event, run by Venture Photography Workshops.
- The image entered must be taken at this event, but you are allowed to edit/process it as creatively as you like.
- You are only allowed one entry.
- You may watermark the image – but the watermark needs to be unobtrusive and allow the judge to view your image without it obscuring key elements of your frame.
- VERY, VERY, VERY IMPORTANT: The filename for your entry must be formatted as: surname_firstname.jpg – where “surname” and “firstname” are your surname and first name. We will not accept files that do not conform to this format.
- The judge’s decision is final and no further correspondence will be entered into once winners have been announced.
- Copyright and intellectual property of the photograph submitted belong to the photographer (ie. You). Venture Photography reserves the right to use the photograph in promoting this competition and its results across any media.
- In submitting your entry, you confirm that you are the author of the works and that you have permission of any persons in the work to grant the usage rights required by Venture Photography as outlined above. You will be responsible for any claim made by any third party and fully indemnify Venture Photography Workshops and its representatives in respect to all royalties, fees and any other monies owing to any person or entity by reason of Your breaching any of the foregoing.
- The competition organisers reserve the right to cancel this competition at any time before or after the photo walk if the total number of submissions is below twenty (20).
Please complete the following form, attach your entry and click SEND to submit.