Time: Thursday 14 March, 6pm – 8pm
Venue: Team Digital – 5 Coolgardie Terrace, East Perth
Cost: $58
Presenters: Craig Franke, Seng Mah and Johannes Reinhart
What makes one photographic image stronger than the other? Why do some photographs do well in competitions, while others flounder? Why do certain images draw our eyes and pull us in while others barely register a glance from viewers?
Learn the answers to these questions and more at this exciting and engaging seminar that’s all about identifying and discussing the elements that make strong, successful photographic imagery. Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience in photography, you’ll discover the key elements that create strong visuals, that you can implement in both the photographic-capture and editing phases of your image making.
This event will look at powerful image making across a range of genres — from portraiture, landscapes, documentary, street photography to wildlife and macro photographs. You’ll learn about visual elements that work (light, colour, contrast, visual composition), as well as editing and post-processing techniques that can help enhance and empower your images.
“Taking and Making Stronger Photographs” is more than just about creating images that win competitions; it’s about giving you the knowledge and understanding to create more impactful, more emotive images that engage and connect with viewers. If you’ve always wanted to learn how to craft your images for impact, then this event is for you!
SESSION 1 – Seng Mah: “Crafting Images with Impact”
Join Seng in exploring the key elements that contribute to creating visually strong, emotionally engaging images. Seng will speak about the evoking mood and feeling in your images, focusing on how you can set up and compose your images so that they prompt an emotive response from viewers. He will also look at key editing techniques, including the use of selective dodging and burning, that can help guide the viewer’s eye into your image and that can reduce the visual impact of distractions. Seng is the owner of Venture Photography Workshops and Tours, and is the 2018 WA Professional Documentary Photographer of the Year, as well as Professional Travel Photographer of the Year Finalist in 2017 and 2018. He has judged extensively at photography club competitions and inter-club competitions and is a committee member of the WA Photographic Judges Association.
SESSION 2 – Johannes Reinhart: “A Little with the Head, and a Little with the Heart”
Discover two key areas in image making with Johannes, one of WA’s most respected and beloved photographers. Learn more about the graphic nature of an image (the “head”, which is about the visual presentation of the image and how to use light and composition to your advantage. and about how you can bring emotive quality (the “heart”) to an image by shooting from the heart to give your images a personal touch. Johannes will also discuss how you can be better at story telling in your images and how to look for expressions to create more impact. Johannes is a fine art photographer who is Moran Contemporary Photographic Prize Winner 2016 and AIPP Documentary Photographer of the Year 2015. He is a Master Photographer with the Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP) and judges at the WA AIPP Awards.
SESSION 3 – Craig Franke: “Wildlife Images that WOW”
Learn how to shoot and create wildlife and macro images that have the WOW factor from wildlife photographer, Craig. There are key elements that make successful wildlife and macro images in this genre, and Craig will be sharing what these are along with how you can maximise your shooting techniques to maximise on your success rate. Key to these are techniques to do with exposure and lighting, along with simple yet effective editing and post-processing tips you can use to enhance your wildlife/macro images. Craig is a seasoned photographic judge who has judged at numerous WA photographic competitions, including the Perth Nationals. He also presents extensively on macro and wildlife photography for photographic groups in WA.
Bookings for this seminar are managed through Eventbrite. To book your place, click the button below.