
The Mysterious and the Uncanny: Venture Visions Workshop

The Mysterious and the Uncanny poster

Level: Intermediate
Dates: 27 October 2018
Time: 3.30pm – 7.30pm
Cost: $299
Instructors: Seng Mah and Lauren Ranger (Twist Nexus)
Location: Venture Studios (Suite 5, 133 High Street, Fremantle)
Maximum participants: 8

If you have always wanted to try something different, to be at the coal face of a creative photoshoot and learn the way images are conceived from the ground up, then our inaugural “Venture Visions” workshop is for you!

“Venture Visions” is a series of exclusive shoots and workshops designed for photographers who want to explore the creative, artistic and visionary side of the medium. The workshops feature unique shooting and learning experiences that will help you develop ideas by giving you hands-on experiences with the conceptual creative process. If you are tired of just turning up and shooting someone else’s set up or idea, then come and get involved in the creative process.

“The Mysterious and the Uncanny” is a special event that will have you working with two models (a woman and a man) under the direction and support of “Twist Nexus Make Up and Body Painting” and “Venture Photography Workshops”. This shoot encompasses the creation of images that evoke a sense of mystery and the uncanny, featuring two models who will be body painted for the theme. The difference here is that you will be involved in the body painting process, using your vision to create the artistic styling on the models. Learn about the creative side of body painting and SFX make-up for lighting and effects.

Once we have finished adorning the models, we begin photographing them in two studios, under different lighting set ups. You’ll learn how to create moody, evocative low-key imagery and to sculpt shape, form and colour with light as you explore dramatic lighting patterns across the painted human form.

The images you create at this event will be the highlights of your portfolio!

Join us if you are a little jaded with “shooting events” where you just turn up and press your shutter buttons while the organised models go through the usual poses. Join us if you’d like to get your hands dirty in the creative process, the lifeblood of any artist. Join us if you’re aching to try something different in your photography, something that will activate your imagination and get your creative juices flowing.

We have deliberately kept the number of participants in this event small (8 participants, which works out to be 4 participants per model) in order to give you time to explore your creativity and to shoot with imagination.

  • An interchangeable lens camera such as a DSLR or mirrorless compact system camera.
  • Lenses in the focal length range of 50mm – 200mm full frame specs.
  • A desire to learn, to imagine and to create (and to dabble into the art of body painting).



Complete and submit the form below to join us at this event. We’ll be in contact to confirm your booking and with payment details.

    Your Name (required):

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    Camera brand/model:

    Where did you hear about this workshop?

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