Flags up! Gun’s up! In!
I’ve just finished putting the first cut of the Gun’s Up! book together. There is still much to be done: the photographs need to be proofed before the first proof of the book is even published (by eCPrint in Rockingham), but this is a major milestone and comes with a mixture of relief, elation and excitement.
Gun’s Up! has been a long-term project, conceived when I realised that for all its action, drama and characters, the sport of surf rowing has received very little attention outside its own community.
Having been photographing surf sports for the last few years, and more recently officially for the WA Surf Boat Panel, I felt that it was time for a photography book about boaties and their passion for the sport. Here is something that recognises what surf rowers do: the passion and energy they pour into their sport, the quiet moments on beaches, the rough and tumble of the sport, the camaraderie and enduring bonds of friendship that grows out of it.
Gun’s Up! will launch in December 2010 at the Scarboro Surf Club (my thanks to Lee Harrison of Scarboro and to the club for helping organise this), and I’m really looking forward to it.
In the meantime, here are a few pages from the digital compilation of the book. Enjoy!
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