
Studio Stay-and-Play (1-on-1 workshop)

Facilitator: Seng Mah
: Beginner-Intermediate
Duration: up to 2 hours
Cost: $200 ($270 with model supplied)
No. of participants: 1 on 1

Have you ever wanted to photograph your family or friends in a studio setting, but (a) do not have access to a studio/studio lighting and (b) don’t really know much about using studio lights?

Studio Stay and Play is designed for beginner or intermediate photographers who would like to shoot an actual studio portrait sitting and learn while they shoot.

Bring your partner, family, kids or friends to the studio and photograph them using studio lights and backdrops, while being guided in studio lighting setup and techniques by Seng.

If you would prefer to photograph a model, one can be arranged for an additional cost of $60 to cover the model’s fee; or, if you have a friend who would like to model for you, bring them along!

Studio Stay and Play is a great way to introduce yourself to studio portrait photography AND come away with shots that your portrait sitters will love! You don’t need advanced photography skills – all you need is a DSLR and someone you’d love to photograph!

What you need:

  • Your own DSLR and lenses.
  • Your DSLR needs to have a hotshoe so that you can use the lighting triggers. Sony DSLR users please note: the hotshoe on Sony DSLR cameras do not conform to the standard ISO-518 design used by the remote triggers at this workshop. You will need to get a hotshoe adaptor if you would like to take photographs at the workshop with our studio lights. Adaptors can be purchased from local camera stores such as Camera Electronic, PRA, Team Digital and some Camera House stores.





    If you would prefer to book and pay for your workshop using bank transfer (EFT) or cheque, please complete and submit the form below. Workshop bookings will be confirmed by return email and an invoice with bank transfer and postal details will be emailed separately.

    Information about cancellations and booking transfers can be found in our Workshops Terms and Conditions.


    First name (required)

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    Brand and model of your camera (required):

    Where have you heard about our photo workshops? (required)

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