
dslr course Tag

5 tips to better DSLR photography

We've just wrapped up our last Maximising your DSLR workshop for our summer photography programme and I thought I'd share some of the key points raised in this workshop. Maximising your DSLR is a one-day photography course aimed at photographers new to shooting with a digital...


Winter photography workshops and courses

The chill and dampness of winter doesn't mean that you have to put your camera away! In fact, the Venture Photography Workshops is offering two winter workshops, both of them repeats of very popular workshops run earlier this year. Maximising Your DSLR Sunday June 13...


Maximising Your DSLR Workshop – Back by popular demand!

[caption id="attachment_520" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="A long exposure of a photographer shooting the Perth skyline"][/caption] When Greg Perry and I ran the first Maximising Your DSLR photo workshop in late February, we were inundated with bookings. Because we cap our workshop participants to 10, a number of...