
Shoot, Capture, Create: Lightroom and Photomatix Pro 5 Workshop

Level: Intermediate
Date: Saturday 27 June, 2015
Time: 6.40am – 8.30am (Shoot), 10.30am – 2.30pm (Lightroom & Photomatix Pro)
Cost: $340
Instructor: Seng Mah
Location: North Beach/Marmion (Shoot) and Venture Studios @ Suite 3 (Level 1), High St, Fremantle (Lightroom & Photomatix Pro workshop) | Map
Maximum participants: 12


Shoot, Capture, Create - Lightroom 5 and Photomatix Pro 5 Workshop


Creating amazing digital photographs requires the mastery of both in-camera techniques as well as a solid understanding of the capabilities of RAW image capture and post-processing in image making. Shoot, Capture, Create is a unique workshop that will show you how to capture imagery with post-production in mind and how you can take advantage of the gamut of features available in Lightroom and Photomatix Pro to transform your captured image into a work of fine art!

This is a very hands-on workshop that will see you photographing a coastal sunrise (yes, you read it right, it’s a 6.40am start) and then working on your images using Adobe Lightroom 5 and Photomatix Pro 5 at our practical session later in the morning. A laptop with Lightroom and Photomatix Pro installed is a must (if you don’t have a laptop, you can also follow the post-processing session with the notes provided).

By completing this workshop, you will learn:

  • How to visualise a scene before you photograph it.
  • How to set your camera up to capture the dynamic range of the scene.
  • Techniques for shooting to Expose to the Right (ETTR).
  • Using Exposure Bracketing to capture high dynamic range scenes.
  • The advantages of shooting in Raw image format.
  • The Lightroom RAW image post-processing workflow.
  • Importing your RAW images into the Lightroom catalogue.
  • The value of keywording.
  • Processing single-frame RAW images in Lightroom’s Develop Module.
  • The impact of using local adjustment tools in Lightroom.
  • Colour grading and modulation in Lightroom.
  • Applying automatic and manual lens correction in Lightroom.
  • Fusing exposures using Lightroom and Photomatix Pro.
  • The power of the Exposure Fusion mode in Photomatix Pro.
  • Best output values (colour space and resolution) for display on the Web and for printing.

This is a workshop that will give you the skills to pursue image making end-to-end, from image capture to post-production completion!



  • Your camera.
  • Wide angle lens (suitable for landscape photography — about 16-50mm for a full frame sensor or 10-35mm for a 1.5/1.6 crop frame sensor).
  • A sturdy tripod.
  • Spare battery.
  • Optional: Filters, including circular polariser and neutral density (ND) filters.
  • Camera and lens cleaning kit.
  • Laptop (or very portable computer) with Adobe Lightroom 5 and Photomatix Pro 5 installed. (Please note: If you are planning to purchase Photomatix Pro 5 for this workshop, please let us know when you book in as we have a 25% discount code for you to use when purchasing Photomatix Pro 5).
  • A basic familiarity with Adobe Lightroom.
  • Optional: An external hard drive (portable hard drive).



For information on bookings, cancellations and booking transfers, please view our Workshops Terms and Conditions.



    If you would prefer to book and pay for your workshop using bank transfer (EFT) or cheque, please complete and submit the form below. Workshop bookings will be confirmed by return email and an invoice with bank transfer and postal details will be emailed separately.

    Information about cancellations and booking transfers can be found in our Workshops Terms and Conditions.


    First name (required)

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    Brand and model of your camera (required):

    Where have you heard about our photo workshops? (required)

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