Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Date: 11 July 2019 (Thursday evening)
Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Cost: $99
Instructors: Seng Mah
Location: Digidirect Cannington (12 Cecil Avenue, Cannington)
Maximum participants: 12
Supported by Digidirect Cannington
Prime lenses are absolutely sensation for portraiture — they produce pin-sharp images, are great for low-light portraits and produce beautiful shallow depth of field in portraits!
Come and join Seng Mah and Digidirect for an evening that’s all about photographing portraits using prime lenses. It doesn’t matter if you’re shooting 35mm, f50mm, 85mm or 90mm… we’ll show you how different focal lengths produce different kinds of portraits and how you can choose the right prime lens for the right portrait!
You’ll also learn how to nail focus even when shooting at very shallow depths of field — it’s a technique that’s part video-gaming and part pretending to be a sniper!
We’ll have two shooting stations set up, with two contrasting models — a fabulous “girl next door” model, and a striking “Aussie larrikin” model. There will be plenty of time to shoot and to capture great portraits of our models!
Don’t miss out — we can only take 12 participants in this workshop, so book in early to avoid disappointment!
- Your interchangeable lens camera (DSLR or mirrorless).
- One or more prime lenses* — for full frames, we recommend at least a 50mm prime lens; for crop frames (APS-C) a 35mm prime lens. For micro-four-third cameras, at least 25mm.
- Make sure your battery is fully charged (bring a spare if you have one) and that you have a clean memory card to start.
* If you don’t have a prime lens, you can also attend this workshop with a zoom lens that covers 50mm – 135mm focal length range, but the learning component in this workshop will focus on using prime lenses.
Bookings for this mini-workshop are managed through Eventbrite. To book your place in this workshop, click the button below.