
November 2011

We lit up the Swan Valley!

LightPlay 2 takes the "LightPlay" lighting workshop concept on the road. With two models, eleven photographers and one stylist in tow, we took to the Swan Valley on board a bus -- with the express aim of shooting on location and showing workshop participants how...


“Gritty” Portraiture

Insight into Portraiture My interests in photography lie predominantly in portraiture, but I'm rarely interested in creating "flattering" people portraits. I don't use skin smoothing software, for instance, and very rarely will you see me spotting or cloning away the errant mole or pimple (unless it's...


Shooting Fashion – A Workshop

As the great Fred once said: "I'm a model you know what I mean And I do my little turn on the catwalk Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah I shake my little tush on the catwalk" (I'm too Sexy, Right Said Fred) While there was no catwalk at...


Lights! Camera! Fashion!

Photo by Tristan Jud   If that hasn't grabbed your attention, then we don't know what will. We're collaborating with Tristan Jud Photography on a series of workshops with a fashion/glamour angle. Why? Because Fashion and Glamour is what Tristan does - and does well. Our first workshop -...


5 tips to better DSLR photography

We've just wrapped up our last Maximising your DSLR workshop for our summer photography programme and I thought I'd share some of the key points raised in this workshop. Maximising your DSLR is a one-day photography course aimed at photographers new to shooting with a digital...