
May 2012

Freo Portrait Prize 2012

With a studio based in Fremantle, it's hard to miss the excitement being generated by the Fremantle Portrait Prize! If you're into portrait photography big time, then you need to give the Fremantle Portrait Prize some serious thought. The Fremantle Portrait Prize promotes excellence in the...


Give your old digital cameras a new life

Do you have old digital cameras (point and shoots, DSLRs etc) that are sitting at home gathering dust? If so, please consider donating them to a worthwhile community project! We are looking for donations of old digital compact cameras (point and shoot) or old DSLRs that...


More Gritty Portraiture

One of my favourite things about shooting portraiture in the studio is to ask the sitter to display emotions outside the "happy smiling" norm. There's an energy that comes from tension in pose and expression. This dude should look familiar for some of you.     Setup: strip...