
April 2013

Light Painting + Slow Sync Flash + Wake Boards = AWESOME

A collaboration between Red Bull and the Snap! Orlando photography festival has created one of the most jaw-dropping, eye-popping photography and videography projects. Entitled "Motion to Light", it combines action sports with light painting via slow shutter speed and the use of a powerful flash...


Wednesday Video: What Inspires You?

Trawling around the Interweb, I came across this touching and inspiring video of a boy's discover of photography and what it means to him, written and filmed by Eli Sinkus with a Canon 7D. What I loved about this short film is that it meshes...


A great street photographer: Lukas Vasilikos

I've been following the work of Athens-based street photographer, Lukas Vasilikos since my early days of photo-sharing on Flickr. Thus, I was delighted to find that Lukas has been interviewed by Eric Kim in his Kim's Street Photography blog.   Vasilikos's work resonate with narrative (story telling)...


Panoramas anyone?

Creating photographic panoramas has gained a great deal of popularity over the last few years. It's got to the stage that many compact camera designers and manufacturers have built in fairly advanced panorama-capturing functions into these cameras. When I was in Siena in Tuscany a few...



If you're a beginner photographer, then chances are you're a bit stumped by the relationship between the aperture value and the size of the aperture. Beginners who have attended the Getting Started in DSLR Photography workshop we run will be familiar with this relationship and...