
Letters from the Inside…

Letters from the Inside…

Bhutan - faces in a window


Social distancing and self-isolation seem to be the buzzwords of the moment, as are words like closures and suspensions of service.

The last two weeks have seen tremendous changes to our lifestyle and it’s hard not to feel apprehensive and uncertain when things are changing and restrictions are being brought into effect almost daily.

On a personal level, I’ve been struggling to run photography workshops in this ever-shifting climate of imposed restrictions;  at times, it feel as if I’m fighting the current. Having already lost photo tours this year to travel restrictions, I must confess that this was a double whammy and that I felt defeated and lost for a while.

But a friend of mine, travel photographer Lynn Gail, reminded me of a quote by Dr Martin Luther King. In a speech delivered on the 6th February 1968, Dr King said: “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”

We’re all living through periods of “finite disappointment” at the moment. But we must never lose sight of the big picture. Battles may be lost, but the war can be won. And I think it’s vital that we keep our vision fixed on the light at the end of said tunnel, no matter how far or small it seems, because to look away would mean to become lost in the darkness.

It’s important in these times, more so than ever before, that we remain connected, that we find new fields to explore, that we stay stimulated, inspired, engaged and active.

In many instances, we need to find replacements for activities and experiences that we had long taken for granted – catching up with friends for a social drink at the local pub, for instance, is no longer something we can do. But we can still stay connected through the magic of the Internet.

Through the Internet, we can still stimulate our senses and stay engaged by sparking creativity and undertaking creative projects. People used to tell me that they lead very busy lives and didn’t have time for photography. Well, now’s the perfect time to get into it.

What was it they said about life and lemons?

For me, when one door closes and restrictions mean that I can’t run face to face workshops anymore, that’s when I turn to online and its marvelous collection of tools and resources, to open other doors. Thus, “phoTALKgraphy” is born.

If you haven’t checked phoTALKgraphy out yet, it’s an online initiative to keep photographers inspired, connected and learning in this time of social restrictions and lockdowns. It’s a series of webinars and live sessions using the Zoom platform and features a diverse range of sessions, including webinars, photo critiques, live Lightroom Classic demos, photo discussions and more. Pop in and have a look.

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