

Seeing, Feeling and Picture Making

I’ve been going on long, meandering walks lately. Mostly to take me away from the computer where I have been dealing with the fallout from Covid-19 cancelling my photography tours this year. A lot of work goes into planning and running photography tours and a...


60 Second Lightroom Edit #2

  Today's 60 Second Lightroom Edit is a portrait, just for something different! The initial image is quite overexposed (which is why you should always shoot in Raw, so that you can recover overexposure/underexposure in your image). Let's see what 60 seconds in Lightroom Classic can...


60 Second Lightroom Edit #1

  Of late, I've been thinking of how best to use the digital medium available to us to provide fun and useful content to customers and followers of Venture Photography Workshops and Tours. This is especially important now that we are in a period of social...


Review: H&Y 100mm Filter Starter Kit

4 minute exposure, with three stacked H&Y filters (ND64, ND8 and Grad ND8). Fuji X-T3, 10-24mm f/4. Full disclosure: I was provided with a H&Y Filter Starter Kit to test and review, as I had been invited to be part of their affiliate sales programme. Because...


Very Hard Yakka – Shipbuilding in Dhaka

On a recent trip to Bangladesh, I visited and photographed the shipyard at Keraniganj on the banks of the Buriganga River in Dhaka. Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh, a country that's gaining worldwide recognition for its shipbuilding industry. While this might conjure up visions...


Favourite images of the decade

For me, 2019 wraps up a decade of photography and marks a little over ten years since I started Venture Photography Workshops in Fremantle. I think it's always interesting to reflect on the changing face of one's works over time-- to look at how one's aesthetics...