
Venture Blog

FotoFreo Adventures at Rottnest

I must confess that one of the greatest rewards of volunteering with FotoFreo 2010 is the opportunity to meet many of the visiting guests. Whilst there have been a few "oh dear Lord" moments when one comes face to face with, say, a noted Magnum...


The FotoFreo 2010 Circuit

It's been quite an incredible (and exhausting) fortnight of FotoFreo. I feel as if I've been caught up in a rapidly whirling carousel of exhibitions, floor talks, workshops, projections and great parties -- and whilst it has meant quite a few late nights, it's been...


India Diaries – Part 1

In the lead-up to my exhibition, Sons of Ganga, at The Cracked Gallery, I thought I would share excerpts from a journal I kept while on a journey through Northern India and Nepal in late 2008. The images in Sons of Ganga were taken in...


Rottnest Channel Swim

I've been meaning to photograph the start of the Rottnest Channel Swim for some time - but the 5.30am start on a Saturday morning has often proven a little prohibitive, especially after a late Friday night. A few year ago, I turned up in the wee...