
Rajasthan Travel Photography

Rajasthan Travel Photography

Beyond Cities and Monuments

Rajasthan, the largest of India’s States, is a vibrant tapestry woven from threads that connect royalty to rural folk and wandering nomads. It encompasses environments as diverse as the hills of the Aravilli Range, the Thar Desert and the dense forests.

I’m planning to run a travel photography tour to Rajasthan which focuses on themes of off-the-beaten track Rajasthan, and have just completed a scouting/research trip which brought me face to face with so many Rajasthani who were so welcoming and generous with their time and happiness in being photographed. Highlights included taking a ride on a metre-gauge train — the only one remaining in India — through rural Rajasthan; time spent with a Rabari family in Ranakhpur; exploring the village of Barli and hanging out with the local “uncles” and kids; and great portraiture opportunities with the characters we met en route.

Here is a selection of images from this trip. I hope you enjoy them.

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