
Photo Tips

5 tips to better DSLR photography

We've just wrapped up our last Maximising your DSLR workshop for our summer photography programme and I thought I'd share some of the key points raised in this workshop. Maximising your DSLR is a one-day photography course aimed at photographers new to shooting with a digital...


Get over your fear of flash

At some point in our collective photographic careers, we'll need to deal with the flash. There's no avoiding it. As much as you want to claim to be a "natural light photographer" you know that there will come a time when you'll need to wrap...


Five Photo Projects for the New Year

A New Year often means new resolutions. Whether we keep them or not - well, that's another story! But a New Year can also present a great opportunity to give your creative juices (and your camera) a kick start. If you're really into your photography, then...


Finding creativity

One of the tougher challenges photographers face is a creative slump. No matter how much you love photography, how passionate you are about it, you're going to reach a stage where nothing, excuse the pun, clicks. Photography is no different to every other form of creative...