When you take up photography, one of the key things you need to consider is the way you compose your image. Composition is about the placement and positioning of elements within your image so that, together, they create an impression on your viewer. Sometimes, this...
On a recent trip to Bangladesh, I visited and photographed the shipyard at Keraniganj on the banks of the Buriganga River in Dhaka. Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh, a country that's gaining worldwide recognition for its shipbuilding industry. While this might conjure up visions...
For me, 2019 wraps up a decade of photography and marks a little over ten years since I started Venture Photography Workshops in Fremantle. I think it's always interesting to reflect on the changing face of one's works over time-- to look at how one's aesthetics...
I’ll come right out and say it: the Fujifilm X-Pro 3 is a camera for those who love the act of taking photographs. In this day and age where megapixels appear to count more than method, and where image quality seems more important than...
I’ve just returned from an 11-day photography trip to Tasmania, the chief purpose of which was to scout out new locations for future landscape photography tours in Australia’s “Apple Isle”. Tasmania is famous for its waterfalls (there are lots) and because it gets a lot...
If you shoot with Canon DSLRs and want to use a speedlight with your camera, it may be worthwhile checking this setting in your Canon menu. In the recent "Intro to Speedlights" workshop I ran, a number of participants were perplexed when their Canon DLSRs...
Here's a simple, yet nifty, Lightroom Tip that helps you compose your final image during editing. When you select the Crop tool in Lightroom, a number of "Crop Overlays" become available to you. These overlays superimpose an overlay over your image that shows you how...
This tip is all about adding the golden glow of sunlight into your images. It can be used for landscapes, or even for portraits (to give your portraits that warm, soft glow of light, as if there's a bit of sunset peeking in from just...
The Tone Curve in Lightroom is a useful way to add contrast or adjust tones in your image (tone is the brightness/darkness of pixels in the image). Most people adjust the Tone Curve into an "S" shaped curve to give their image a bit of...