

Homeless Connect 2010

Venture Photography ran the inaugural Photo Booth at the Homeless Connect in 2009. So rewarding and enriching was that experience that I put my hand up again this year for Homeless Connect 2010. This year, ably abetted by Kaylene Taylor of Taylor Made...


Tasmanian Lens Scapes

Tasmania, the Apple Isle, the oft-forgotten Australian State, boasts beautiful vistas. Its peaks, valleys and wilderness immortalised by legendary landscape photographer Peter Dombrovskis, Tassie provides photographic opportunities aplenty, making it often more challenging to decide what NOT to photograph. On a recent trip to Tasmania, I became...


Jett and Lina: A Love Story

The Story of Jett and Lina is an example of narrative building through photographs. Inspired by sequential art (comic books), this is part portrait-shoot and part grim love story, where the tables are turned on a predatory young male. Location: Yellagonga Park, Woodvale Participants: Matt Goyder and...


Vegetables WA Biannual Dinner 2010

Venture Photography covered the biannual Vegetables WA Dinner at the Joondalup Resort’s Lakeside Room in September.  Vegetables WA is the State’s peak  organisation supporting WA vegetables growers. This formal dinner was an opportunity to recognise the important contribution WA vegetable growers...


Flags up! Gun’s up! In!

I've just finished putting the first cut of the Gun's Up! book together. There is still much to be done: the photographs need to be proofed before the first proof of the book is even published (by eCPrint in Rockingham), but this is a major...