

Sensational Strobing!

Eight photographers, two great models, and  whole lot of flashing going on! Thankfully, everyone kept their clothes on (it wasn't that kind of flashing!) and a lot of fun was had by all as participants of the Sensational Strobing workshop wrapped their heads around the intricacies...


Winter photography workshops and courses

The chill and dampness of winter doesn't mean that you have to put your camera away! In fact, the Venture Photography Workshops is offering two winter workshops, both of them repeats of very popular workshops run earlier this year. Maximising Your DSLR Sunday June 13...


Blog or Bedamned!

[caption id="attachment_666" align="alignright" width="199" caption="Only connect"][/caption] There is much fuss being made about the significance of social networking for photographers. On one level, it's being touted as a great way to obtain exposure for one's works. Websites like Flak Photo give photographers the opportunity to extend the...


Supporting “Freedom from Fear”

[caption id="attachment_657" align="alignright" width="300" caption="The kids with their new digital compact cameras"][/caption] Sometimes, the most enjoyable photographic experiences occur when you're not taking photographs. Sometimes, they happen when you are sharing your love for photography with others. Last week, I joined a number of Perth photographers in showing...


A juggling act

I'd ducked out of the studio during a day's shooting on Saturday to grab a coffee and a bite to eat, and noticed this young busker doing a juggling act just outside. He was drawing a bit of a crowd with his ability to make these...


3 steps to improving your portraiture

A good portrait engages us with its subject - makes us respond emotionally to the person depicted within the frame. We're used to interacting with people, so as viewers, we're already predisposed to respond to photographs of people. It's not hard to take a good portrait. On...


Gun's Up! front + back cover concepts

So I started playing around with design and concepts for the front and back cover of "Gun's Up!". Would appreciate your thoughts and feedback on the layout. I wanted to the cover to show both the people (hence portrait) and the sport (hence action shot), and...


"Or Nearest Offer" 2010 needs your prints!

Or Nearest Offer (ONO) is a special auction held by the Advanced Diploma in Photography students of the Central Institute of Technology (aka Central TAFE) to raise funds for their end of year graduate show. This year's grad show, entitled Focused at Infinity, promises to showcase...