
Photo Tips

Blog or Bedamned!

[caption id="attachment_666" align="alignright" width="199" caption="Only connect"][/caption] There is much fuss being made about the significance of social networking for photographers. On one level, it's being touted as a great way to obtain exposure for one's works. Websites like Flak Photo give photographers the opportunity to extend the...


3 steps to improving your portraiture

A good portrait engages us with its subject - makes us respond emotionally to the person depicted within the frame. We're used to interacting with people, so as viewers, we're already predisposed to respond to photographs of people. It's not hard to take a good portrait. On...


Let me tell you about my photography

Let's have a break from posts about workshops, projects and photo shoots. I would like to tell you about my photography. EQUIPMENT AND SETTINGS Let's start with equipment and settings. They seems to be the most popular questions I get asked about my photography: What do you use?...


Wedding Photography Essentials

Greg Perry presented "Wedding Photography Essentials" as part of the Spring Workshops Programme on Sunday. That man is amazing! I've never known a workshop presenter who is so generous with his material, time and advise. Of course, he's presenting as part of my Workshops in a...