

Favourite images of 2024

It's that time of the year again as the calendar winds towards the end of another hugely packed year and photographers everywhere showcase their "best" images of the year. I prefer to present my favourite images -- the ones that mean something to me and...


My Favourite Images from 2023

This year has been a year of travel, particularly to India, and it's not surprising that images taken in India feature large in the selection. India has always held a very special place in my heart -- for photography but also for sublime and poignant...


Photography vs AI.

Real or AI? This image was created using Stable Diffusion (AI image generator) by Aurel Manea (http://aurelm.com/). There’s been a recent explosion in the creation of AI imagery. It’s flooded the Internet and it’s almost impossible to pop into social media platforms without coming across pictures...


Lagoon Light

The Cocos (Keeling) Islands look like a tropical island paradise. It is; and it is also a paradise for landscape and seascape photographers! The islands are an atoll, forming a ring around a central lagoon where gaps between the islands connect the lagoon to the...


010110 – A binary start to the year

Happy New Year! The 1st of January is traditionally a day of recovery -- from the celebratory excesses of the night before. It is also a day for new resolutions, and the resolve to keep them in the year ahead. If you're a bit strapped for resolutions,...