

Audience, Purpose, Style

The holy grail for many photographers is to be able to develop a distinctive Style. But the idea of a "style" seems elusive and perhaps a little too abstract for most people to comprehend. What does it mean to have a style? Let's look at this word...


Fave 20 of 2020

It's almost a tradition for photographers to share their top 10 images at the end of each year. This year, I thought I'd share my favourite 20 images, instead of 10 -- it is 2020 after all. They're not necessarily the top images or the...


Be like Zen artists…

You may have heard of the American artist and photographer Saul Leiter, whose photography in the 1940s and 1950s was credited to have brought about the New York School of street photography. Leiter once said in a conversation: “I have a deep-seated distrust and even contempt...


Letters from the Inside…

  Social distancing and self-isolation seem to be the buzzwords of the moment, as are words like closures and suspensions of service. The last two weeks have seen tremendous changes to our lifestyle and it’s hard not to feel apprehensive and uncertain when things are changing and...


Seeing, Feeling and Picture Making

I’ve been going on long, meandering walks lately. Mostly to take me away from the computer where I have been dealing with the fallout from Covid-19 cancelling my photography tours this year. A lot of work goes into planning and running photography tours and a...


60 Second Lightroom Edit #2

  Today's 60 Second Lightroom Edit is a portrait, just for something different! The initial image is quite overexposed (which is why you should always shoot in Raw, so that you can recover overexposure/underexposure in your image). Let's see what 60 seconds in Lightroom Classic can...